Monday, August 24, 2015

Schools Started...Now What?

Summer is gone in a blink of an eye and the kids are headed off to school today. My youngest is starting first grade this year which means all 3 kids are gone most of the day. Now comes the question everyone asks all of us Stay-at-home-moms, "are you going back to work?"

My answer has always been, "absolutely not!"
I am excited for school to start but it isn't because I will get a quiet house for 8 hours a day so I can stay at home and lay on the couch, drink cocktails and watch all the HGTV I can handle. I will miss those 3 crazy kids and all their snuggles, laughter, energy and yes even their sibling fights.

What ever will I do? I am looking forward to utilizing my time in a positive way. Yes, I plan to visit the gym on a regular basis, volunteer at the school, hopefully keep my home more organized and clean and have the chance to run errands in a not so rushed manner. But, more exciting I hope to focus more quality time on my crochet venture. I love the creative outlet and challenges that designing patterns brings. But, I also enjoy the charitable opportunities it has opened up for me.

I recently became a volunteer for Feel Better Friends. FBF is an organization that makes handmade crochet dolls for children in need, many of which are battling cancer or other illnesses. These dolls are custom made with the child's likeness in mind, matching eyes, hair and replicating their favorite outfits. There are over 500 volunteers world wide. If you are interested in joining  as a volunteer or know someone you would like to request a doll for please read more about it on their website. Here is the sample doll I completed for Demitri, I am so excited for him to receive it.

Last August I lost an uncle to cancer. Although there had been a lot of time since I saw him on a regular basis he was a wonderful man that I will always remember smiling and bringing joy everywhere, he had a laugh that was contagious.  In honor of my Uncle Jeff I ran a Cancer Hat Drive in his honor. I was amazed at the response and enthusiasm and was able to have over 2,000 hats donated to cancer patience in his honor. I hope to continue this Cancer Hat Drive every Year (scheduled for October 2015). 

For the last 3 years I have been a contributor in the 12 Days of Christmas Charity Challenge that is organized by Sunset Crochet. This is a challenge to make 12 hats in 12 days to be donated to a NICU. There are 12 designers that giveaway free patterns that can be used to make these hats. Record numbers poured in last year with 4,249 hats pledged. I hope we can top that number this year. 

In reviewing the last 12 months, with the help of the crochet communities pooled efforts, we have donated over 6,000 hats to charities. My goal is over the next 12 months to see if we can donate over 10,000. I know it is a lofty goal, but I am willing to give it a shot! Stay tuned for your chance to help me reach my goal.

So, that is how I plan to spend all that extra time I will have on my hands!
Cheers to a new school year!

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